A Joy to Use
Take a minimal design approach, mix in strong attention to iOS design guidelines, then add a dash of fun.
View your Twitter timeline and latest tweets directly from your Home Screen. Quick and easy.
A Truly Minimalistic App
The chronological ad-free timelines make browsing through your Twitter feeds a joy.
Multiple Columns
The iPad and macOS app makes use of the space available to it, with multiple scrollable columns.
Built for iOS 14
Widgets, multiple columns, pull-down menus, color-picker, PencilKit, context menus, the list goes on.
Powerful Tweet Filters
Hide words, hashtags, users, media, quoted content, retweets, tweets above or below certain thresholds, regular expressions, and more.
Intuitive Gestures
Swipe tweets, long-press tweets and tab bar items, pinch the screen to screenshot, and more.
Extensive Keyboard Shortcuts
If you're a power user, you'll be pleased to know that almost everything in Aviary can be controlled by the keyboard and trackpad.
Share and Action Extensions
Share tweets and media from outside the app, and open Twitter links directly in the app.
Theme it Your Way
An abundance of app tints and alternative app icons that looks good on your device and go well with your outfit.
Lights Out
Aviary looks great always, and that includes Dark Mode too, for your nighttime browsing experience.
Accessible by Everyone
Accessibility labels and hints at every turn, so visual or motor impairments can't hold you back.
Frequently asked Questions
Why can't I sign in to the app?
If the sign in screen doesn't dismiss for you after attempting to authenticate with Twitter, please try signing in with your username instead. This appears to be an issue on Twitter's end.
Where are the push notifications?
The Twitter API currently doesn't support streaming content, and therefore this makes conventional push notifications unachievable for now. Although, fetch-based push notifications for mentions and replies exist in the app. This has to be enabled via settings, and periodically polls the API for new content, and therefore may not be real-time.
Where are the activity metrics?
There are no activity metrics in the app (yet). The Twitter API currently doesn't support this, and therefore this makes activity metrics unachievable for now.
Why aren't there likes/retweets counts in the timeline?
You can enable inline action buttons and metrics via Settings > More. Although with Aviary, I opted for a more minimal and clean approach to the timeline, reducing clutter and an influx of information where possible. You can also long-press tweets to see these metrics, or tap through to view them alongside more details.
How do I like/retweet tweets?
You can either swipe tweets left and right for quick actions, long-press tweets for more actions, or tap through and perform tweet actions when viewing tweet details. Also, if you have inline action buttons enabled, you can like/retweet directly from the timeline.
Is there a quicker way to access lists on iPhone?
Yes! Long-press the first tab to display all lists, and optionally create new lists.
Is there a quicker way to switch accounts?
Yes! Long-press the last tab to display all added accounts on iPhone and iPad, or right-click the settings icon on Mac, and optionally add more accounts.
I don't use the mentions, messages, or trending tabs much, is there a way to change these tabs?
Yes! Long-press the second, third, or fourth tabs to change what it displays, or optionally change it via settings.
Can I have the app in dark mode when my device is in light mode?
Yes! This is possible via the tint option settings section.
Can I see link previews?
Yes you can if the settings option is enabled.
The compose button is too far to reach, can I have it slightly more within reach?
Yes! You can enabled a floating compose button via settings, which can be dragged around to different areas on the lower half of your screen.
How can I get in touch?
You can reach out to me via the contact section on this website, or through Twitter, either @JPEGuin or @AviaryTheApp.